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9 Responses

  1. GIERMOL disse:

    Thank you, Bruno…
    You’re the best!

  2. Marcelonso disse:

    Valeu Brunão,

    A molecada e a marmanjada agradece.


  3. valjeta disse:

    so cute!
    But when can we see the toy art of seb vettel?

  4. Alex disse:


  5. Jenny disse:

    when can we see the toy art of jules bianchi ??

  6. Ketrab disse:

    Bruno, you said last year that you do Toy Art of Robert Kubica, so I wanted to ask whether Kubica will or not?

  7. viviane disse:

    brno, you said last year that you toy art of robe kubica, sol wanted to ask whethr kubica will or not

  8. riquelme hott disse:

    raikkonen no ! ayrton senna paper toy

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